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Taylor Swift Kim Kardashian Kanye

Taylor Swift Rekindles Feud with Kim Kardashian

Resurfacing Grudge Reignites Old Tensions

April 19, 2024 | 12:21 PM

In a recent interview, Taylor Swift reignited her long-standing feud with reality TV star and SKIMS founder Kim Kardashian. The feud originally began in 2016 over Kanye West's controversial "Famous" lyrics, which sparked a series of public exchanges between Swift and West.

Swift claimed that West had never asked for her approval to name-drop her in the song, leading to her decision to publicly denounce him. Kardashian, who was married to West at the time, released an edited version of a phone call between Swift and West, which she claimed proved that Swift had given her blessing.

Swift has since disputed Kardashian's account, stating that the released call was manipulated to make it seem like she had approved the lyrics. The feud has escalated further with Swift's recent comments, in which she hinted at the involvement of Kardashian's family in the ongoing drama.

Kardashian has yet to respond to Swift's latest remarks. The feud has become a hot topic on social media, with fans taking sides and expressing opinions on both sides of the argument.

This latest development in the Taylor Swift-Kim Kardashian feud is sure to keep the media and entertainment industry buzzing. As the situation unfolds, it will be interesting to see how it affects the relationships between the parties involved and the broader public perception of these high-profile celebrities.
