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Rumors And Leaks Abound


GTA 6 Leaks Keep Pouring In

Rumors and Leaks Abound

In recent weeks, several supposed leaks related to the upcoming Grand Theft Auto 6 have emerged online. From potential release dates to alleged map details, the internet has been abuzz with speculation.

Map Leaks and Controversy

One notable leak is a purported map of GTA 6, which was shared on Twitter and Imgur earlier this month. However, Rockstar Games, the developer of the game, has since dismissed the leak as fake.

Another leak, a 15-second video posted on GTAForums, has also raised eyebrows. The video is said to show early gameplay footage of GTA 6, but its authenticity remains unconfirmed.

Rockstar Responds to Leaks

In response to the recent leaks, Rockstar Games released a statement acknowledging the situation. The company confirmed that it had "suffered a network intrusion" that led to the theft of confidential information, including early development footage of GTA 6.

Rockstar expressed disappointment at the leaks but emphasized that they would not significantly impact the game's development. The company reiterated its commitment to delivering a high-quality gaming experience to its fans.

